Sportsvet Academy now approved for Professional CE

We are excited to announce that the SportsVet online courses are now approved by the AAVSB for Veterinary Continuing Education Credit and are listed in the approved courses (…/race/find-race-program-provider). Each course is worth 1 CE...

Book: Corrections for Errors

I have realized that there are a couple of errors in my book “Athletic and Working Dog: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics”.  I would like to provide the corrections for these errors.  I apologize for this and am grateful to the readers who have...

Enhancing the Greyhound Racing Experience

A positive working relationship between the Track Owners, Commission Officials, and the Greyhound Owners and Trainers benefits everyone. It helps maintain healthy racing Greyhounds, Provides for a safe racing environment Produces clean races for the betting public...

Optimum Performance of the Dog

To get the best performance out of your dogs, they must be properly conditioned, mentally prepared, and be free of any pain that might affect performance. Canine Optimum Performance Page Overview: Performance Factors, Body System Interaction, Energy Demands,...