Dr. gillette

Curriculum Vitae & Biography



Kansas State Univ. | B.S. Life Sciences | 1982

Kansas State Univ. | D.V.M. | 1988

University of Kansas | M. S. E. Biomechanics | 1998

Charter Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation – July 1, 2011

Career Related Experience

President, RMG Enterprises, Inc., Jun 1994 – Present Employment
RMG Enterprises, Inc. has been working in and around the dog world for 23 years. It has been doing business on the internet at SportsVet.com since 2001. It was started by my father and I back in the 90’s when we began raising and racing greyhounds. It then evolved over the years as I expanded my interests in other areas of dog performance, nutrition and animal health. In 2004 I took over the corporation from my father and have been proud to keep it going in his honor.

We are now involved in many services and products.  We are registered with DUNS and with SAMS, which allows us to work with/on government contracts. I have been a partner in the Second Wind Canine Performance food supplement product line since 1993. I have done consulting in many areas of animal performance. These projects include developing a kinematic formula and system to evaluate thoroughbred race horses, developing dog food products, motion analysis systems, veterinary and rehabilitation products. I also perform lectures and seminars related to veterinary medicine, covering topics of canine movement and lameness diagnosis, understanding and enhancing canine performance, enhancing scenting abilities of the dog, event and competition safety along with numerous other related topics.

Clinically, I provide performance veterinary services to those clients who have athletic and working dogs. I also enjoy helping other dogs who just have problems getting around or have hard to diagnose musculoskeletal issues. I am a firm believer that an active dog is a happy dog. It is a lot more fun to be active when we get rid of the aches.


Director of Clinical Research, Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences, 946 Quality Dr, Lancaster, SC 29720, 5/18 – present

Veterinarian, Red Bank Veterinary Hospital, 197 Hance Avenue, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724, 9/14 – 6/17

  • Provide sports medicine care for working and athletic dogs.
  • Provides rehabilitation services for companion animals
  • Consultation Services for individuals, handlers, groups, businesses, government agencies, law enforcement, and military operations that use or work with working and athletic dogs.

Director, Veterinary Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Service, Veterinary Specialty Center, Buffalo Grove, IL 9/12 – 9/14

  • Provide sports medicine care for working and athletic dogs.
  • Provides rehabilitation services for companion animals
  • Consultation Services for individuals, handlers, groups, businesses, government agencies, law enforcement, and military operations that use or work with working and athletic dogs.

Director, Animal Health and Performance Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University.  Head administrator for the two programs that make up the AHPP.  These two programs are the Canine Detection Research Institute (CDRI) and the Veterinary Sports Medicine Program (VSMP).  12/09 – 9/12.

  • The activities of this position included the oversight of the daily canine operations, the veterinary care and health care of 150+ detection dogs in various stages of their career.
  • Oversaw, managed and provided health care to the Breeding program.
  • Acted as the point of contact and representative to the University administration. Worked with the university media relations to provide information, presentations and responses to television, radio or news-related requests and questions.
  • Interacted and worked with state congressional representatives and their staff
  • Interacted and worked with federal congressional representatives and their staff
  • Advised and worked with federal canine programs

Associate Research Professor, Academic Appointment in the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University. 2000 – 2012

  • Developed and oversaw the canine performance laboratory and active dog program
  • Managed an applied operational performance dog program designed to run in a manner similar to actual canine operations in the field
  • Researched canine performance and related sports medicine

Director, Sports Medicine Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University. Administrative duties and oversight of the three endeavors of the program: clinical service, research, and educational outreach. 3/00 – 9/12

  • Developmental duties – Most of the program budget is covered by fundraising with the rest of the monies coming from research grants and one endowment.
  • Clinically receives performance and canine sports medicine referral cases.
  • Research includes equine and canine sports medicine, exercise physiology and biomechanics.
  • Provided canine performance, health management and veterinary care for the CDRI program
  • Chairs the Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, manages the Quarterly Newsletter, presents and attends national and internationally related veterinary symposia. .

Senior Research Fellow.  Scott-Ritchey Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University.  Perform research in the field of wound healing and reconstructive surgery.  Projects included work in the area of paw pad biomechanics and proper bandaging techniques; the effects of various products on wound healing and prevention, and surgical procedures involving soft tissue.  Serve on the sports medicine interest advisory committee.  8/97 – 3/00.

Central States Relief Veterinary Services.  Shawnee, KS.  Provide relief mixed animal veterinary services to veterinarians in the northeastern Kansas region.  Services include food animal, equine, small animal, and laboratory animal medicine.  This business allowed me the freedom to pursue my post-doctoral degree in biomechanics and at the same time maintain my veterinary skills. 1/95 – 8/97

Instructor of Research, Voluntary Appointment.  The Sports Medicine Institute, Kansas University Medical Center. Kansas City, Kansas. Personal research and its application in human sports medicine and assist in developing their ongoing research program. 12/92 – 6/95.

Assistant Scientist, Adjunct Appointment, Animal Care Unit, University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS.  Carry out personal ongoing research projects.  1/92 – 7/97.

Owner and operator, Northridge Animal Clinic. Mixed animal veterinary practice that had a strong emphasis on breeding, raising and racing the greyhound athlete and other competitive breeds.  Bonner Springs, KS. 3/93 – 1/95.

Kansas State Veterinarian, Woodlands Kennel Club, Kansas City, KS. Regulation of animal health and racing laws and provide veterinary health care to the track greyhounds. 9/89-5/90

Greyhound Racing Judge, Woodlands Kennel Club, Kansas City, KS. State official in regulating the race track and judging the races themselves.  4/90 – 5/90

Program Associate, Animal Care Unit, Univ. of Kansas. Laboratory animal residency.  Duties included veterinary care for the research animals, research and protocol design for the research proposals that involved animals, and provided veterinary care for the wildlife rehabilitation program. The position also included advising the pre-veterinary students. This position provided experience with various species and much experience working with state and academic protocol.  I developed programs to diplomatically deal with, and monitor the animal rights movements and their programs. 8/89 – 2/92.

Staff Veterinarian, Overland Park Veterinary Center. Small animal practice.  2/92 – 2/93.

Research Veterinarian, CEVA Labs (now Rhone Merieux), Biological R & D, Lenexa, KS. Vaccine research and development; Animal testing of products; Company representative for non-company research projects. Provided laboratory animal veterinary services for the animals in the various studies.  12/88 – 6/89

Research Associate, Colostrum Study, Immunology Lab, Kansas State University. Personal research on alternative storage methods of colostrum.  Specifically the effects of lyophilization on colostral immunoglobulins.  Also researched methods to super concentrate the colostrum with hematological immunoglobulins.  1/88 -12/88.

Scientific Publications

Bell, MJ, Donaldson, EM, Mann, S, Gillette, RL, Levine, CB, Wakshlag, JJ. (2015) The Effects of Exercise on Serum Chemistry, Non-Esterified Fatty Acid, Insulin and Glucagon Dynamics during a 400 Meter Sprint in Racing Greyhounds, Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine Vol.5 No.6, June 29, 2015

Angle, T. C, Gillette, R. L., and Weimar, W. H. (2012) Caudal paw displacement during movement initiation and its implications for possible injury mechanisms. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2012 (5)397-401

Angle, T. C, Gillette, R. L., and Weimar, W. H. (2012) Kinematic analysis of maximal movement initiation in Greyhounds. Australian Veterinary Journal. 90(3)60-68

Angle, T. C & Gillette, R. L. (2011) Telemetric measurement of deep body core temperatures in exercising detection dogs.  Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. 75(2)157-159

Gillette RL, Angle TC, Sanders JS, DeGraves, FJ.  (2011) An evaluation of physiological affects of anticipation, activity arousal and recovery in sprinting Greyhounds. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 3/2012, 130(3)101-106

Gillette, R. L & Angle, T. C. (2008) Recent Advancements in Canine Locomotor Analysis: A Review. The Veterinary Journal, 178: 165-176

Wakshlag JJ, Stokol SM, Greger CE, Angle TC, Gillette RL. Evaluation of exercise-induced changes in concentrations of C-reactive protein and serum biochemical values in sled dogs completing a long-distance endurance race. AJVR 71(10):1207-13, 2010 Oct.

Angle, T. C., Wakshlag, J., Gillette, R. L., Stokol, L., Geske, S., Adkins, T. O., & Gregor, C. (2009) Hematological, serum biochemical and cortisol changes associated with anticipation of exercise and short duration high intensity exercise in sled dogs. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology 38/3: 370–374

Gillette RL, Angle TC, Wakshlag J.  Research Design of Nutritional Studies on the Athletic Dog Needs to Take into Account the Effects of Anticipation and Conditioning.  Supplement to Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian. (2006) 28:4, p 49

Kemppainen BW, Urry DW, Swain SF, Sartin EA, Gillette RL, Hinkle SH, Coolman SL, Luan CX, Xu J.  Bioelastic membranes for topical application of a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor for protection of skin from pressure injury: a preliminary study.  Wound Repair Regen.  2004 Jul-Aug; 12(4): 453-60.

Ballagas AJ, Montgomery RD, Henderson RA, Gillette RL.  Pre- and postoperative force plate analysis of dogs with experimentally transected cranial cruciate ligaments treated using tibial plateau leveling osteotomy.  Vet Surg.  2004 Mar-Apr; 33(2): 187-90.

Wang NZ, Urry DW, Swaim SF, Gillette RL, Hoffman CE, Hinkle SH, Coolman SL, Luan CX, Xu J, Kemppainen BW.  Skin concentrations of thromboxane synthetase inhibitor after topical application with bioelastic membrane.  J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2004 Feb; 27(1): 37-43.

Schumacher J, Schumacher J, Gillette RL, DeGraves F. Schramme M, Smith R, Perking J, Coker M.  The effects of local anaesthetic solution in the navicular bursa of horses with lameness caused by distal interphalangeal joint pain.  Equine Vet J.  2003 Jul; 35(5): 502-5.

Swaim SF, Marghitu DB, Rumph PF, Gillette RL, Scardino MS.  Effects of bandage configuration n paw pad pressure in dogs: a preliminary study.  Journal of AAHA.  2003 Mar-Apr; 39(2): 209-216.

Eward C, Gillette RL, Eward W.  Effects of unilaterally restricted carpal range of motion n kinematic gait analysis of the dog.  Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology.  2003; 16(3): 158-13.

Gillette RL. Swaim SF. Sartin EA. Bradley DM. Coolman SL. Effects of a bioactive glass on healing of closed skin wounds in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 62(7):1149-53, 2001 Jul.

Swaim, Steven F., Robert L. Gillette, Eva Sartin, Sherrie Hinkle, Shindok L. Coolman (2000). Effects of a hydrolyzed collagen dressing on the healing of open wounds in dogs. American Journal Veterinary Research, Vol. 61, No.12, December 2000

Gillette, RL, Zebas, CJ, A comparison of limb symmetry in the trot of the Labrador Retriever. The Journal American Animal Hospital Association. JAAHA, (Nov/Dec 1999) 35:515-520.

Gillette, R. L., Swaim, S. F., Marghitu, D. B., Scardino, M. S., Rumph, P. F. (abstract), Effects of bandage and splint conformation on forelimb paw pad pressure on dogs. Veterinary Surgery. 27:1998;507.

Swaim, S. F., Gillette, R. L., An update on wound medications and dressings. Compend. Contin. Educ. 20:1998;1133-1145

Gillette RL.  New perspectives in performance physiology.  Proceedings of the NAVC.  1998. v.12 p. 687-9.

Zebas, C. J., Gillette, R. L., Hailey, R. L., Schoeberl, T., Kratzer, G., & Joseph, Y (1991). Kinematic descriptors of the running gait in the greyhound athlete. In R. N. Marshall, G. A. Wood, B. C. Elliott, T. R. Ackland, & P. J. McNair (Eds.), XIIIth International Conference on Biomechanics: book of abstracts (pp 469-470). Perth, Australia: University of Western Australia.

Zebas, C. J., R. L. Gillette, R. L. Hailey, Y. Joseph, & T. Schoeberl (1991). Selected kinematic differences in the running gait of the greyhound athlete during the beginning and end of the race. In C. L. Tant, P. E. Patterson, & S. L. York (Eds.), Biomechanics in Sport IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. I.S.B.S., (pp 81-84). Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

Ferrington, D. A., Schneider, C. M., and Gillette, R. L., Skeletal Muscle Ultrastructure Alterations Following Eccentric Exercise in the Rat. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 23 (4), Supplement, 1991.

Books & Book Chapters

Swaim, SF, Welch, J, Gillette, RL, Management of Small Animal Distal Limb Injuries. Teton Newmedia, Jackson, WY. 2015

Gillette, RL, Exercise Physiology and Physical Therapy, Chapter 5 in Manual of Small Animal Physical Therapy, Taylor, ed, Williams and Wilkins, Media PA.

Gillette, RL, Gait Analysis, Chapter 6 in Manual of Small Animal Physical Therapy, Taylor, ed, Williams and Wilkins, Media PA.

Toll, PW & Gillette, RL, Feeding Working and Sporting Dogs, Chapter 10, Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 5th edition, Hand et. al. eds.

Association Memberships and Activities

Regent, Small Animal Sports Medicine, Board of Directors of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Past-President, Board of Directors of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Chairman for the Organizing Committee for the College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Scientific Working Group on Dog & Orthogonal Detector Guidelines (SWGDOG).  Chair of Subcommittee 4 (Kenneling and Health), Member of Subcommittee 3 (Selection of Dogs)

Past-President of the American Canine Sports Medicine Association

Past-Member Epsilon Chapter of Phi Zeta

Chairman of the Central Veterinary Conference Sports Medicine Section, 1996-2004

Chairman of the Annual Auburn Veterinary Sports Medicine Symposium KC, MO, 2000-2004

Chairman of the American Canine Sports Medicine Association Symposium, 1996-2000

Assistant-Chairman of the International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium, 1997-2000

American Veterinary Medical Association

Past member of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

National Greyhound Association

Major Research Interests

Operational oversight and management of working and athletic canine operations and its relationship to performance.

General interests are in the area of performance, orthopedics, biomechanics, and muscle physiology of the Canine and Equine Athlete.

Specific interests are in the areas of exercise physiology, muscle conditioning, injury prevention, lameness, rehabilitation, and performance of the athletic, working and service dogs.

Clinical Interests

Working with the canine athletic and working dogs.  Training regimens, conditioning programs, injury prevention and breeding programs, for the performance dogs.  Canine sports medicine problems, including medical related performance problems, injury repair, rehabilitation, and reconditioning.

Government Reports

Angle, T. C., Gillette, R. L., Haney, P., Barrett, J. and Steury T. (2011) Development of a pre-deployment canine fitness test in theater. Defense Science Technology Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L. (2010) An investigation into the effect of conditioning upon the physical, physiological, psychological and olfactory performance of British Military Working Dogs in the heat. Defense Science Technology Lab

Angle, T. C., Sanders, J., & Gillette, R. L. (2009) Report: Metabolic data for evaluation of conditioning status in search and rescue dogs. FEMA-Massachusetts Task Force

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L. (2008) High Performance Canine Bulk Reduced Dog Food. Research Report: United States Patent Office

Angle, T. C. (2008) Implementation of respiratory channels for current retrieving devices. Research Report: United States Patent Office

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2008) Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dog Recycle Project: Phase I & II Medical and Physiological Findings.  A Government Research Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2007) Development of a Military Working Dog Canine Field Ration (CFR): A Government Research Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2007) Development of an X-File for the Military Working Dog Canine Field Ration: A Government Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2007) Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dog Conditioning Protocols: Predeployment Conditioning Program (G2).  A Government Research Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2007) Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dog Conditioning Protocols: Initial Detector Dog Training and Canine Combat Readiness Training.  A Government Research Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C. & Gillette, R. L.  (2006) Environmental and Physiological Evaluation of IED Dogs During T-Pattern and Roading Training: A Government Research Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Angle, T. C., & Gillette, R. L. (2006) Justification and Design of a Specialized Strength and Conditioning Program for IED Dogs: A Government Report for the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab

Teaching and Education

Advanced Science of Canine and Equine Locomotion, Graduate course, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University

Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (VMED 5650-001), Elective course offered to freshman and sophomore veterinary students, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University

Lameness and Evaluation (VMED 5502-011), Elective course offered to freshman and sophomore veterinary students, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University

Sports Medicine Clinical Rotation, Elective Clinical Rotation for Senior Veterinary Students, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University.

Sports Medicine Graduate Program, Graduate program offering a Masters Degree in Biomedical Sciences with a special interest in Veterinary Sports Medicine through the College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University.  This program is designed for both veterinarians and non-veterinarians.

Past Graduate Committee Assignments

Jenni Sanders – MS, Biomedical Sciences – chairman

Craig Angle – PhD, Health & Human Performance – member

Joanna Booker – PhD, Health & Human Performance – member

Tony Ballagas – MS, Biomedical Sciences – member

Grants Received (2000-present: 10,650,900)
  • US Technical Support Working Group, 12/10. $6.4 million, Security Development.
  • Defense Science Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom, 12/10. $270,000. Security Development
  • Defense Science Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom. 5/10. $230,000, Fitness development
  • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 10/10. $70,000, Develop detection dog to help eradicate python snake population in Florida Everglades.
  • Partnership with AU Dept of Forestry. Develop detection dog to help locate rare and endangered species.
  • An investigation into the effect of conditioning upon the physical, physiological, psychological and olfactory performance of working dogs in the heat.
  • Defense Science Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defense, United Kingdom L. Gillette & T. C. Angle , funded: $530,700; May 2009 to May 2010
  • Department of Justice, $700,000, 2010 Development and Fielding of Canine Teams to Improve Detection Capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Department of Justice, $1.7 million, 2009 Development and Fielding of Canine Teams to Improve Detection Capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies
  • An Equine Leg Stress Sensor Feasibility Study – Phase I, Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission; Funded: $11,200. Collaboration: Department of Engineering Technology at Pittsburg State University, J. Lookadoo, R. L. Gillette, T. C. Angle & P. Hickman. April, 2008 – May, 2009
  • Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dogs Performance Development Program: Post Combat Deployment Recycle and Transition Period Phase II (Post Conditioning)
  • Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities, The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, and The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, L. Gillette & T. C. Angle. Funded: $44,000; October, 2007 – May, 2008
  • Development of a Military Working Dog Canine Field Ration (CFR). The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities, and The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab; Funded: $375,000
  • Improvised Explosive Device Detector Dogs, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities, and The Marine Corps Warfighting Lab. Funded: $300,000
  • The National Flat Coated Retriever Injury Surveillance Program. Flat Coated Retriever Society of America, Funded: $10,000
  • Kinematic evaluation of breakover in the horse using a three degree toe wedge and heel wedge, Birmingham Racing Commission; Funded: $ 10,000

“Using palpation to  diagnose musculoskeletal problems in dogs, Gait analysis of the dog, Managing pad injuries, Conditioning athletic and working dogs, Nutrition for athletic and working dogs, Managing medical cases of the athletic dog, Exercise-induced medical issues, Sports-related injuries, Basic rehabilitation techniques for small- animal practitioners”, CVC-East Baltimore, MD 4/07

James H. Yarborough Lecturer at the International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium, “Optimizing Performance & Preventing Injuries of the Canine Sprint Athlete, Diagnosing & Managing Medical Issues Affecting Working Dogs”, NAVC, Orlando Florida.  1/07

“Management of Distal Limb Injuries, Addressing Fatigue of the Canine Athlete – Sprint and       Endurance, Diagnosing Obscure Causes of Lameness,  Managing Exercise-Induced Medical Problems”. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/06.

“Athletic Rehabilitation of the Dog, Recent Advances in Veterinary Sports Medicine, Conditioning the Working Dog”, 12th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/07.

“Optimizing the Performance of the Detection Dog, Managing a Detection Dog Program”

Canine Detection Research Institute: Canine Management Course 5/05, 10/05, 3/06

“Research design of nutritional studies on the athletic dog Need to take into account the effects of anticipation and conditioning”, Robert Gillette, Craig Angle, Joseph Wakshlag.  Nestle Purina Nutrition Forum, St. Louis, MO 11/05

“Management of Distal Limb Injuries”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/05.

“Addressing Fatigue of the Canine Athlete – Sprint and Endurance”, Central Veterinary Conference. Kansas City, MO 8/05.

“Diagnosing Obscure Causes of Lameness”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/05.

“Managing Exercise-Induced Medical Problems”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/05.

“Athletic Rehabilitation of the Dog”, 12th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/06.

“Recent Advances in Veterinary Sports Medicine”, 12th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/06.

“Conditioning the Working Dog”, 12th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/06.

“Understanding the Factors Related to Performance of the Detection Dog”, 4th Annual National Detector Dog Conference, Auburn, AL 4/05

“Preventing Spread of Infectious Disease in the Race Track Facility and Environment.

“Preventing Injuries of the Equine and Canine Athlete” North America Pari-Mutual Regulators Association Annual Conference, Jackson Hole, WY 9/05

“Enhancing Performance and Preventing Injuries of the Racing Greyhound”.  Fourth Annual National Greyhound Track Safety Conference, Houston TX.  9/05

“Basic Veterinary Rehabilitation”, Miami Veterinary Association, Miami, FL 6/04

“Auburn University Sports Medicine Section, Using Videographic Gait Analysis in General Practice, Applying Diagnostic Techniques for Performance Problems in Everyday Practice, Canine Lameness Diagnosis Basic Physical Therapy Protocols”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/04

“Rehabilitation Basics, Rehabilitation Modalities, Recent Updates in Canine Sports Medicine, Optimizing Performance of the Musculoskeletal Structure”, 11th Annual Canine Sports Medicine Symposium, AU 1/05

“ Veterinary Rehabilitation – An Emerging New Veterinary Field”, Surgical Seminars, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 3/05

“Maximizing performance through conditioning and injury prevention”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

“Lameness Evaluation of the athletic dog”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

“Basic Rehabilitation of the dog”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

“Therapeutic Modalities used for Canine Rehabilitation”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

“Introduction to Veterinary Rehabilitation of the Canine Athlete”, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/04.

“Managing the Working Dog to Optimize Performance”, Security & Law Enforcement: Canine & Explosives Program, Chicago IL, 10/02

“Analyzing Soundness of the Working Dog”, Security & Law Enforcement: Canine & Explosives Program, Chicago IL, 10/02

“Optimizing Performance of the Detective Dog”, International Detector Dog Conference, Miami, FL, 5/03

“Maximizing performance through conditioning and injury prevention”, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/01.

“Working with the retired athlete”, National Greyhounds Pets of America, Atlanta, GA 8/01

“Optimum performance in the working dog”, Blue Streak Race Drivers Conference, Minneapolis, MN 9/01

“New Advances in Gait Analysis of Horses”, Referring Veterinary Conference, Auburn, AL 9/01

“Managing the working dog for optimum performance, Orthopedic concerns of the working dog, Meeting the nutritional needs of the police dogs”, British Columbia Police Canine Association Seminar. Vancouver, BC, 10/01

“Gait Analysis/Sports Medicine”, Auburn Annual Conference, 11/01.

“Basics of Performance I, II”, Bird Dog Symposium, Albany, GA 12/01.

“Clinical Aspects of the Canine Athlete, Feeding the Canine Athlete for Optimal Performance, Exercise Induced Abnormalities in Athletic & Working Dogs”. 8th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/02.

“Gait Analysis in the Horse”, National Pony Club Symposium, Atlanta, GA, 2/02

“Motion analysis of the Horse”, Symposium for the Student Chapter of the AAEP, Auburn, AL, 2/02

“Optimizing Canine Performance: An Introduction”, Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine,        University of Florida, July 22-23, 2000.

“Factors That Affect Performance”, Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of  Florida, July 22-23, 2000.

“Canine Conditioning Methodology”, Dog Owners and Breeders Symposium, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of  Florida, July 22-23, 2000.

“Canine Performance” Canine Detective and Explosives Conference and Review for the United States Federal Aviation Administration.  September 25-27, 2000

“General Canine Sporting Events: What we do and why things happen.”  The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 26-29, 2000

“Coursing Dogs”  The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 26-29, 2000

“Exertional Disease in Sporting Breeds.”  The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 26-29, 2000

“Lameness Diagnosis in Performance Dogs.” The North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, Jan 13-16, 2001

“How the field of Sports Medicine can benefit the working and athletic canine.” The Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, Jan 20-21, 2001

“Maximizing Performance Through Canine Soundness and Injury Prevention” The Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, Jan 20-21, 2001

“Training and Conditioning for Optimal Canine Performance” The Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, Jan 20-21, 2001

“Canine Sports Medicine: Optimizing the Career of the Working Dog”, 2nd National Detector Dog Conference, North Miami Beach, FL May 22-25, 2001.

“How the Field of Sports Medicine Can Benefit the Working and Athletic Canine.”  The Sports    Medicine Short Course, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, May 19-20, 2001

“Maximizing Performance Through Canine Soundness and Injury Prevention.”  The Sports Medicine Short Course, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, May 19-20, 2001

“Training and Conditioning for Optimal Canine Performance.”  The Sports Medicine Short Course, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, May 19-20, 2001

“Canine Sports Medicine Part I, II, and III.” American Kennel Club Seminar, Decatur, AL, Sept. 9-10, 2000.

“Veterinary Aspects of Sports Medicine.” Jefferson County  Veterinary Medical Association, Birmingham, AL, Oct. 12-13, 2000

“ The Short Term Effects of Two Taping Procedures on Angular Displacement of the Canine Carpus in the Trot Gait: A Preliminary Report. ” Annual Phi Zeta symposium, February 2, 2000.

“ Basic Lameness and Gait Analysis in the Dog. ” The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, August 21-24, 1999.

“ Feeding the Canine Athlete for Optimal Performance.” The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, August 21-24, 1999.

“ Computer Assisted Videographic Gait Analysis and Performance. ” The Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, August 21-24, 1999.

“ Biomechanics in Rehabilitation. ” The First International Symposium on Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, Corvalis, OR, August 7-11, 1999.

“ Gait Analysis and Performance. ” The American Veterinary Medical Association 136th Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA, July 10-14, 1999.

“ Kinematic Analysis of the Dog During Symmetrical Movement Using Two-Dimensional Computer Assisted Videography.” Annual Phi Zeta symposium, February 3, 1999.

“ Effects of Bandage and Splint Configuration on Forelimb Paw Pad Pressures in Dogs. ” Gillette, R. L., Swaim, S. F., Marghitu, D. B., Scardino, M. S., Rumph, P. F., American College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Symposium, Chicago, IL, October 8-11, 1998.

“ The Role of the Veterinarian with Working Dog Clients. ” First Annual National Detector Dog Conference, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, June 24-28, 1998.

“ Clinical Aspects of the Canine Athlete. ” First Annual National Detector Dog Conference, College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, June 24-28, 1998.

“ Performance Analysis of the Racing Greyhound. ” Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998.

“ Maximizing Performance of the Canine Athlete. ” Australian Veterinary Association

Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998.

“ Methods and Products to Maintain and Enhance Performance. ” Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998.

“ Influence of the Racing Environment on Performance and Injuries. ” Gillette, Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998.

“ Current Regimens and Recent Advances in Treating Canine Lameness. ” Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998

“ An Update on Products and Techniques to Enhance Wound Healing. ” Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998

“ New perspectives in the Management of Foot Lesions. ” Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998

“ Current Concepts and New Products for Raising Healthy Puppies. ”, Australian Veterinary Association Conference, Sydney, Australia, May 19-20, 1998

“ New Perspectives in Performance Physiology. ” Fourteenth Annual International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium. Buena Vista Palace, Orlando, Florida, Jan 10-11, 1998.

“ Kinematic Analysis of the Canine Gait. ” Gillette & Taylor, Thirteenth Annual International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium. Buena Vista Palace, Orlando, Florida, January 11-12, 1997

“ The Influence of the Racing Surface on Performance. ” Thirteenth Annual International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium. Buena Vista Palace, Orlando, Florida, January 11-12,  1997

“ Clinical Application of Performance Physiology. ” Fifth Annual American Canine Sports Medicine Association Symposium, The Central Veterinary Conference.  Kansas City, Missouri, August 24, 1997.

“ Performance Analysis in Racing Dogs. ” Iowa Greyhound Symposium, Bluffs Run Casino. Council Bluffs, Iowa, April 29-30, 1996.

“ Principles of Performance and Gait Analysis. ” American Canine Sports Medicine Association Symposium, The Central Veterinary Conference.  Kansas City, Missouri, September 18,1995.

“ Applied Performance Analysis of the Canine Athlete. ” The National Meeting of the Canine Sports Medicine Veterinary Association.  Las Vegas, Nevada, February 25, 1995.

“ Performance Analysis of the Racing Greyhound. ”  Fifth Texas Greyhound Symposium.  Corpus Christi Racetrack,  Corpus Christi, Texas,  September 16, 1994.

“ Normal Greyhound Racing Surfaces and Recommendations. ”  Fifth Texas Greyhound Symposium.  Corpus Christi Racetrack,  Corpus Christi, Texas,  September 16, 1994.

“ Economics of Racing Injuries. ”  Fifth Texas Greyhound Symposium.  Corpus Christi Racetrack, Corpus Christi, Texas,  September 16, 1994.

“ The Importance of the Track Surface in Racing Greyhound Safety. ”  Regional meeting of the Association of Racing Commissioners International.  National Greyhound Association, Abilene, Kansas,  October 22, 1993.

“ Performance Analysis of the Greyhound Athlete and How the Racing Surface Can Affect It. ” The National Greyhound Association Fall Symposium. The NGA Fall Meet, Abilene, Kansas.  October 13, 1993.

“ Biomechanics and the Racing Greyhound. ”  Invited Presentation.  Seventh Annual Graduate Research Seminar in Biomechanics.  University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS,  March 5, 1993.

“ The Influence of the Racetrack Surface on the Performance of the Greyhound. ” Twentieth Annual Symposium On Racing. The University of Arizona Race Track Industry Program, Tucson, AZ, December 10, 1992.

“ Gait Analysis and Relationship to Injuries in the Racing Greyhound. ” Veterinary Sports Medicine Research Emphasis Day, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, Jan. 31, 1992.

“ Kinematic Descriptors of the Running Gait in the Greyhound Athlete. ” Zebas and Gillette. International Society of Biomechanics, Perth, Australia, December 11, 1991.

“ Greyhound Sports Medicine. ” National Greyhound Association Trainers School, Woodlands Kennel Club, Kansas City, KS, September 17, 1991.

“ Selected Kinematic Differences in the Running Gait of the Greyhound Athlete During the Beginning and End of the Race. ” Zebas and Gillette. International Society of Biomechanics in Sport, Ames, IA, July 3, 1991.

“ Skeletal Muscle Ultrastructure Alterations Following Eccentric Exercise in the Rat. ” Ferrington, Schneider, and Gillette. American College of Sports Medicine National Convention, Orlando, FL, June 1, 1991.

“ Track Injuries: Kinematic and Kinetic Analysis of the Greyhound Running Pattern. ” Gillette and Zebas. Sixth Annual International Racing Greyhound Symposium, Central States Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, KS. August 26, 1990.

“ Biomechanical Injury Problems in the Racing Greyhound. ” Fourth Annual Graduate Research Seminar in Biomechanics. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. February 23 – 24, 1990.

Wetlabs & Workshops

Basic Canine Rehabilitation, 144th AVMA Annual Convention, Washington, DC, July 2007

Canine Rehabilitation for the General Practice, 143 AVMA Annual Conv., Oahu, HI, July 2006

Palpation Techniques to Diagnose Lameness, 143 AVMA Annual Conv., Oahu, HI, July 2006

Rehabilitation Wet Laboratory, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/05.

Veterinary Rehabilitation – An Emerging New Veterinary Field. Surgical Seminars, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 3/05

Canine Lameness Workshop, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 2004

Canine Rehabilitation Workshop, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO, Aug. 2004

Introduction to Veterinary Rehabilitation of the Canine Athlete, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/04.

Exercise Induced Medical Problems of the Athletic and Working Dog, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/04.

Exercise Induced Medical Problems of the Athletic and Working Dog, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/04.

Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Problems Related to Performance, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/04.

Maximizing performance through conditioning and injury prevention. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

Lameness Evaluation of the athletic dog. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

Basic Rehabilitation of the dog. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

Therapeutic Modalities used for Canine Rehabilitation, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/03.

Sports Medicine Therapeutics, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/03.

New Advances in Sports Medicine, 10th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium, Auburn, AL, 1/03.

Lameness Evaluation of the athletic dog. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/02.

Basic Rehabilitation of the dog. Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/02.

Therapeutic Modalities used for Canine Rehabilitation, Central Veterinary Conference, Kansas City, MO 8/02.

Other Relevant Publications

Gillette, R. L. (1999). Getting the Most Out of Canine Athletes. Proceedings of the sixth annual Sports Medicine Program (pp 1-4). Auburn, AL.

Gillette, R. L. (1999). Updates on Treatment and Wound Healing of Paw Injuries in Dogs. Proceedings of The North American Veterinary Conference, Vol. 13. (pp 614-616). Published by the Eastern States Veterinary Association, 1999.

Gillette, R. L. (1998). The importance of gait analysis in the training of canine athletes. Sports Medicine Newsletter, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, (pp 1-2) Summer Issue.

Gillette, R.L. (1998). New perspectives in performance physiology. Proceedings of The North American Veterinary Conference (pp 687-689). North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando FL

Gillette, R.L. (1998). Performance, Locomotion, and Lameness. Newsletter of the American Canine Sports Medicine Association, 4(1):pp1-3.

Gillette, R. L., R. A. Taylor, & C. J. Zebas (1997). Diagnostic and performance gait analysis of the racing greyhound. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Canine Sports Medicine Symposium (pp 12-18). Orlando FL.

Gillette, R. L., R. A. Taylor, & C. J. Zebas (1997). Gait analysis of the racing greyhound. .

Gillette, R.L. (1997). The influence of the racing surface on performance. Proceedings of The North American Veterinary Conference (pp 576-577). North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando FL

Gillette, R.L. (1996). Performance of the Canine Athlete. Newsletter of the American Canine Sports Medicine Association, 2(2):pp 2-3.

Gillette, R. L. & C. J. Zebas (1995). Principles of performance and gait analysis. Veterinary Publishing Group. 1995 Central Veterinary Conference Proceedings (pp 974-977). Kansas City, MO, The Central Veterinary Conference.

Gillette, R. L. (1992). The Influence of the Racetrack Surface on the Performance of the Greyhound. In University of Arizona Proceedings of the Race Track Industry Program Racing Symposium (pp 199-201). Tucson AZ: University of Arizona.

Gillette, R. L. Track Surface Influences on the Racing Greyhound. Greyhound Review, April, 1992.